Sirin Industrial Estate

Beylikdüzü, İstanbul

+90 212 623 01 90

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Barrier Additives

Barrier additives are liquids or gases that can be added to a product without affecting the product.

Gas Barriers

All plastics have a certain degree of gas permeability. An additive with an oxygen barrier effect can be added to products that are sensitive to the effects of oxygen. This will extend the shelf life of the product. Another possibility is a water vapor barrier. Water vapor barrier can be increased by applying a coating (eg a SiOx Coating) to the interior. In addition, developments regarding nano additives continue.

UV Protection

A third possibility is to provide a PET bottle or container with extra UV protection. There are types that capture different wavelengths in the UV range. For example, UV protection is added to herbs and spices to preserve the color of the product.