Production Materials
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Can Pet never stops working on new packaging solutions with new plastics. While standard PET is mainly used for bottles and containers, there are more and more other applications with specific materials such as Pharmacopoeia PET for Pharma applications, PCR (Post-Consumer Recycling PET) or BioPET use for a more sustainable material selection.
Good Protection
A prerequisite for plastic is, of course, good preservation of the product throughout its shelf life. In addition, the chemical resistance of the product and its compatibility with the material are important. All materials in Can Pet have Food Grade certificate. We ensure that the materials used can always be traced back to their origin. Can Pet closely follows the developments in this field. Below are the main raw materials.
- Bio Plastics
- Other Plastics
PET stands for Polyethylene Terephthalate. This plastic is taken in granules at Can Pet. What are the advantages of PET for consumers, manufacturers and the processing industry?
- It is open and transparent.
- It shines.
- Unbreakable.
- It has good barrier properties.
- It provides a stable quality even in subsequent uses.
- 100% recyclable.
- It is suitable for various forms of decoration, including printing, labeling and wrapping.
- It can be easily produced in a wide range of colors.
- Many tip shapes are possible due to the high degree of stretch.
PET is a material with good barrier properties for many food, health and personal care products. In most cases, it provides adequate protection over the required shelf life. Some products require extra protection, for example, against UV light or oxygen. Can Pet offers different solutions for this.
Barrier Additives
Barrier additives are liquids or gases that can be added to a product without affecting the product.
Gas Barriers
All plastics have a certain degree of gas permeability. An additive with an oxygen barrier effect can be added to products that are sensitive to the effects of oxygen. This will extend the shelf life of the product. Another possibility is a water vapor barrier. Water vapor barrier can be increased by applying a coating (eg a SiOx Coating) to the interior. In addition, developments regarding nano additives continue.
UV Protection
A third possibility is to provide a PET bottle or container with extra UV protection. There are types that capture different wavelengths in the UV range. For example, UV protection is added to herbs and spices to preserve the color of the product.